Introduction to Organic Chemistry

Learning outcomes - after studying this topic, you should be able to:
  • understand the basis of drawing organic structures
  • convert between a condesned molecular formula and a skeletal or line structure
  • determine the formula of a molecule from its skeletal representation
  • identify the functional groups in a molecule

Textbook and eBook References

Lecture Notes, Tutorial Worksheets & Answers and Suggested Exam Questions

ChemCAL, iChem and Contributed Resources

Khan Academy
Description: Covers most topics in Organic chemistry. However, information about amino acids and sugars are found in different categories (usually under MCAT) on the website.
Acidity of organic molecules (short video tutorial)
Tags: pKa | acid/base
Contributed by Mat Todd
Naming Organic Compounds (short video tutorial)
Tags: organic nomenclature
Contributed by Peter Rutledge
Organic nomenclature
Description: Video and interactive tutorials and self test quizzes on how to name organic compounds
Tags: organic nomenclature
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Acidity of Organic Molecules and Types of Organic Reactions
Description: Video and interactive tutorials and self test quizzes on the acidity of organic molecules and types of organic reactions
Tags: acidity | substitution | elimination | addition | oxidation | reduction
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman
Organic functional groups
Contributed by Adam Bridgeman